Abstract Reviews Completed

The scientific committee has now completed the review process for the abstracts submitted for the 2019 eCAADe Regional International Symposium. Many good and promising abstracts were accepted.

We are looking forward to the final papers and what promises to become a very interesting symposium.

Additional workshop: Dinner at the table: VR/AR convergence applied to the ‘Last Supper’

Organisers: Mauro Costa Couceiro, Phd, Rui Lobo, Phd, & António Monteiro, arch., University of Coimbra, Portugal

Imagine you are sitting at the table with Christ and the Apostles. In an exercise of VR/AR convergence we will bring the human scale Last Supper terracotta ensemble (by Filipe Hodart, 1531-34) of the refectory of Santa Cruz Monastery in Coimbra to the dining room of the symposium venue building.

Max. no. of participants: 6

Full list of currently planned workshops

Second Call for Papers

Today we announced the second Call for Papers for the 7th eCAADe Regional International Symposium online, on Facebook, and through mailing lists. We encourage everyone to share the call in their networks.